基于Solidworks软件平台建立自走式山地微型水稻联合收割机机架结构的几何模型,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench对机架结构进行有限元分析,得出机架结构在承受负载作用时的整体位移和应力分布状态,获取机架应力出现最大值的位置,并用强度校核理论对机架结构的应力分析结果进行了校核,结果表明机架结构的设计符合强度要求。机架某些部位的强度富裕,尚有优化空间。有限元分析结果可为今后机架结构或材料的改进提供参考理论依据。
A self - propelled mini rice combine harvester model is built in the environment of the Solidworks software platform, and based on the ANSYS workbench software, the harvester frame structure is analyzed. Results of the overall displacement and stress distribution when the frame structure is under load are obtained, and the location of the maximum stress of the framework is identified. The principle of strength check is employed to examine the analysis results of theframework's stress and it shows that the design of the framework meets the strength requirements. The resuhs of the finite element analysis in this study can provide theoretical basis for further optimization of structure as well as material of framework.
Modern Machinery