
服务失误、负面情绪与服务补救效果的关系——基于珠三角地区酒店业的实证研究 被引量:3

Research on the Relationship Between Service Failure,Negative Emotion and Performance of Service Recovery
摘要 服务失误难以避免,这将造成顾客的负面情绪甚至顾客流失。为了留住顾客,当服务失误发生后,企业应进行服务补救。经研究发现服务失误越严重,产生的顾客负面情绪越严重;服务补救中,顾客所感知的结果公平和交互公平正面影响服务补救满意度;服务补救满意度正面影响补救后口碑;顾客负面情绪负向调节服务补救满意度与补救后口碑的关系。因此,服务企业应在管理顾客负面情绪的基础上,换位思考,采取针对性的服务补救措施,从而提高服务补救满意度,进而获得顾客的正面口碑传播。 Firms is service industry would provide service recovery to alleviate negative influence due to service failure.According to our research findings,the more serious service failure occurs,the more severe negative emotion emerges.Distributive and interactional justice have positive impact on customer service recovery satisfaction.Customer service recovery satisfaction has positive impact on the word-of-mouth after service recovery.Customer negative emotion negatively moderates the relationships between customer service recovery satisfaction and word-of-mouth after service recovery.Therefore,service enterprises should well manage customer negative emotion,take targeted service measures and then improve service recovery satisfaction in order to obtain positive customers word-of-mouth.
作者 胡矗明
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期112-119,163,共8页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 广东省普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地暨南大学企业发展研究所创新培育项目<"农户+市民"农产品网络直销供应链系统及其契约优化设计>(批准号:2013CP004)
关键词 服务失误 服务补救 负面情绪 口碑传播 service failure service recovery negative emotion word-of-mouth
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