
饭店业服务创新研究的脉络梳理与展望 被引量:1

Review of Hospitality Service Innovation Framework of Hotel Industry and Its Expectation
摘要 服务创新是饭店业创造价值、获取竞争优势的重要途径。国内关于饭店业服务创新的研究相对较少,本文主要围绕饭店业服务创新"是什么""受何影响""如何开展"以及"有何作用"等基本问题,相应从维度构成、影响因素、行为过程和绩效衡量等方面梳理了国外饭店业服务创新的相关研究,进而总结饭店业服务创新研究的整合分析框架,并提出未来研究展望。 Service innovation is an important pathway to create value and gain competition advantage for hospitality service in hotel industry, and there are few related researches on hotel service innovation at home. This paper reviews the related researches on foreign hotel industry service innovation from such aspects as what service innovation of hotel industry is, what the innovation is affected, how to implement the innovation, what kind of role the innovation plays and so on and from the perspective of corresponding composition dimensions, influential factors, behavioral process, performance measurement and so on, furthermore, generalizes the integration analysis framework for hotel service innovation researches and points out future research direction.
作者 李亚男
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期69-77,共9页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
基金 杭州市哲学社会科学2013年度课题(B13GL02)"‘用工荒’背景下的杭州劳动密集型服务业发展模式转型升级研究" 浙江省教育厅2013年度高等学校访问工程师校企合作项目(FW2013029)"酒店业‘用工紧缺’状况改进策略研究及其对高职教育的启示--基于洲际集团杭州区5家酒店的分析"
关键词 饭店业 服务创新 影响因素 行为过程 绩效衡量 整合分析框架 hotel hospitality industry service innovation influential factor behavior process performance measurement integration analysis framework
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