
从同质化竞争到多样化互补与共荣:泛长三角时代区域治理的理论与实践 被引量:13

From Homogeneous Competition to Diversified Complementarity and Co- prosperity:Theory and Practice of District-governance in the Period of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta
摘要 改革开放后,长江三角洲区域治理空间的拓展,经历了从"上海经济区"的成立与消亡到长三角区域治理的"15(+1)"模式的形成与初步成熟,再到向泛长三角区域辐射与扩容之演变过程,这意味着区域治理模式开始从基于分割治理的同质化竞争模式向基于多元共识的多样化共治模式的转型。泛长三角时代区域治理的理论逻辑表现在三大方面:一是型构长江三角洲区域治理优化的新格局;二是型构泛长三角区域治理优化的新格局;三是型构从器物(基础设施)到政策(产业分工等)再到制度(公共服务与政府治理)的独特发展道路。泛长三角时代区域治理的实践逻辑,体现在从重区域治理组织形式的行政化倾向向重区域治理组织形式的非政府组织倾向之转变、从重主题合作的选择到重合作机制的构建之转变、从有选择性的试错式合作到整体性规划与治理之转变这三大转变之上。长江三角洲区域治理空间拓展至泛长三角区域,其深层次战略意义在于,当代中国的区域发展战略开始从原来的分层化走向立体化,其所肩负的历史使命是为当代中国的国家现代化建设探索出一条区域治理的新路,即从东部率先发展到中部崛起,再到东部率先发展与中部崛起二者并立,继而走向东中部地区的联动发展,最终走向全国均衡发展的立体化发展战略新格局。 Since reform and open policy,the development of district- governance space of Yangtze River Delta has gone through a tortuous process,characterized by transferring from the building and extinction of Economic Zone of Shanghai to the taking shape and preliminary maturation of the'15( +1) 'Model,then to the radiant influence on the Pan-Yangtze River Delta. The transformation implies that the model of district governance has changed from homogeneous competition model based on segmentary governance to diversified co- governance model based on multiple consensuses. The theoretical logic of district- governance in the Pan- Yangtze River Delta embodies the three aspects: a) Reconstructing the optimum framework of district- governance in the Yangtze River Delta,b) Reconstructing the optimum framework of district- governance in the Pan- Yangtze River Delta,c) Reconstructing the unique development path from implements( infrastructure) to policy( division of industry),then to institutions( public service and governmental governance).While the practical logic of district- governance in the Pan- Yangtze River Delta should be led by the following transformations: a) Transforming the organizational form of district- governance from the tendency of bureaucratization to the tendency of non- governmental organizations,b) Transferring the focus from cooperation of the themes to cooperative mechanism,c) Developing the overall- planning and governance developmental pattern to replace the trial- and- error developmental pattern. The development of district- governance space from the Yangtze River Delta to the Pan- Yangtze River Delta indicates that Contemporary China is promoting the district development strategy from stratified pattern to stereoscopic pattern on deep strategic level,and the historical mission of this endeavor is to explore a new district- governance path for Contemporary China's modernization. Generally speaking,it obeys the following development route: a) Transformation from the prior development of Eastern China to the rising of the Central China. b) Transformation from the simultaneous development between Eastern China and Central China to the co- development between the two districts. c) Finally,making the equilibrated and stereoscopic development strategy come true all over the country.
作者 唐亚林
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期71-83,309,共13页 Academics
基金 2012年度国家社科基金重大项目"包容性公民文化权利视角下统筹城乡文化一体化发展新格局研究"(12&ZD021)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 长三角 泛长三角 区域治理模式 理论逻辑 实践逻辑 区域发展战略 The Yangtze River Delta The Pan-Yangtze River Delta district governance model theoretical logic practical logic district development strategy
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