

摘要 历史研究无法离开对档案的发掘与利用。原始资料的选择与利用合理与否是历史研究成败的关键。不同类型的史料在历史写作中具备各自独特的价值与功能。报纸作为一种史料能使历史研究者产生"穿越时光"回到事件发生当下的现场感;政府档案和出版物是政府机构执行公务过程中产生的信息之累积,它们是一类相对集中、准确和系统的史料,也是历史叙事依赖的核心资料;手稿是未正式出版的个人文件,例如,书信、日记、回忆录、影像和视听资料等,手稿的独特史料价值是能反映个体的详细信息与立场;口述史资料一般是由第三方记录整理的个人资料,它可以弥补书面资料不足。手稿和口述史资料的利用使历史研究增强了对人性的洞察。 Historical research cannot be done without the exploration and use of archives. The key to a successful historical research project is the identification and use of appropriate original materials. Each type of resource has its own unique value and function in history writing. As a type of historical material, newspapers provide the historians not only with factual information but with a clear picture of what the residents read on a daily basis. Government records and publications provide information accumulated as agencies and offices went about fulfilling their duties, they are focused, accurate and systematic, and they are one of the core resources upon which historians rely. Manuscripts are unpublished personal documents such as letters, diaries, memoirs, video and audio materials and the records private organizations such as businesses. The unique historical value of manuscripts is the reflection of the individual's detailed information and viewpoint Oral histories are personal materials generally recorded by a third-party, and they can make up for the shortcomings of written materials. History offers us a window through which we can view and gain insights into human nature. The work of the historian is like that of the astronomer. Both types of researchers use'remote sensing devices (astronomers use telescopes and satellites; historian use manuscripts and government records) to understand the past in the form of light that has traveled for millions or billions of years or human events that occurred. The accuracy of their work depends on the quality of the sources they choose to use.
出处 《档案学通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期52-56,共5页 Archives Science Bulletin
关键词 档案编纂学 外国档案事业 史料学 Science of archives compilation Foreign archival undertaking Science of historical data
  • 相关文献


  • 1查德·L·帕尔夫(RichardLPifer)著.《二战中的一个城市:密尔沃基的劳工》,麦迪逊:威斯康星州历史学会出版社2003年版.
  • 2Milwaukee Journal [N].Milwaukee, Wis. : Journal Co., 1890-1995.
  • 3Milwaukee Sentinel [N] .Milwaukee, Wis. : Sentinel Co., 1883-1995.
  • 4A.F. of L. Milwaukee labor press[N].Mil- waukee, Wis. : Milwaukee Labor Press, Inc., 1942-1959.
  • 5The CIO news [M].Milwaukee, Wis. : [Wis- consin State Industrial Union Council], -1945.
  • 6Statistical release[R].[Madison] Statistical Dept., Industrial Commission.Aug. 12, 1940-Aug.
  • 7Survey of American listed corporations : data on profits and operations[ R]. [Washington, D.C.] : The Commission, 1948-.








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