
“初步反对的权利”研究及在我国海洋纠纷中的运用 被引量:2

The Research on the Right of Preliminary Objection and How to Use It in Marine Disputes of Our Country
摘要 "初步反对的权利"是一项被专门用来阻止法庭对案件进行实质审理或实体裁决的国际司法权利,虽然其在《联合国海洋法公约》中仅有只言片语的规定,但丰富的国际实践足以证明其已经成为一项国际习惯。在该权利被行使的广泛实践中,一般情况下均是由被诉方提出反对,反对的主要是法庭的管辖权和申请书的可接受性,反对的内容不得涉及实体问题,而提起反对的时间一般在法庭程序提起后至被诉国提交辩诉状的时间段之间。在深入考察之后,我国有必要利用相关研究在与他国的海洋司法纠纷中积极行使该项权利,例如目前的中菲南海争端强制仲裁案。 "The right of preliminary objection" is an international judicial right that was exlusively used to stop the international tribunal of entering substantive procedural or making a substantive decision. Although there is only a brief provisions in UNCLOS, it has become an international custom by enough practice. Under widly practice of this rhght, defendant is the using subject generally, the object is mainly divided into the court's jurisdiction and the admissibility of the application, the content should not involve substantive issues, and the filing time should from the institution of proceedings to the delivery of the Memorial. After in-depth study, it is necessary to use this right actively in the marine judicial disputes which related to our country, such as the case of Philippines v. China.
机构地区 海南大学法学院
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期96-102,共7页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"中国与邻国海洋权益争端问题的国际法理研究"(项目编号:12JZD048)的阶段性成果
关键词 初步反对的权利 国际习惯 管辖权 可接受性 中菲南海争端 the Right of Preliminary Objection International Custom Jurisdiction Admissibility the Dispute of the South China Sea between China and Philippines
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  • 2A/CONF. 62/WP. 10 (INCT, 1977), Volume Ⅷ, p.48.
  • 3A/CONF. 62/WP. 10 (INCT, 1980)/Rev. 2, Volume Ⅷ, p. 142.
  • 4A/CONF. 62/WP. 10 (INCT, 1980)/Rev. 3, Volume Ⅷ, p. 115.
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  • 10the "Juno Trader Case", Judgment of 18 December 2004. paxa. 58, para. 67.


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