In the context of studies of the rural Chinese economy in the Republican period-or even in all of modern Chinese history—Fei Xiaotong stands out as one of the most knowledgeable and influential scholars. He is not only a famous sociologist and anthropologist, he is also a socio-economist and thinker. Through field investigations as well as broad vision, Fei Xiaotong performed thorough and penetrating research inlo the Chinese rural economy. Compared to other scholars, his publications were more comprehensive and original, providing solutions to contemporary and even future developments in the Chinese rural economy. For instance, he argued for reducing the population, equalizing land ri^ils,reducing rents, building collectively managed farms, decentralized development of rural industry, balancing the relationship between the cities and the countryside, and viewing traditional and modern forms of finance as mutually compatible. In his explanations of and solutions for the Chinese rural economy, Fei Xiaotong was a moderate. He took a critical stance towards existing social and economic systems, but he also realized thai ihey had a certain degree of rationality and vitality He suggested that the traditional economy and modern economy were not in opposition, but rather that they could blend together and complement each olher. Though he did not present high-level abstract concepts regarding rural economic studies, he still made importanl contribulions to rural economics in China, and even in the rest of ihe world.
Modern Chinese History Studies