以常规大蒜栽培品种为试材 ,B5为基本培养基 ,研究了利用脱毒大蒜萌生幼苗的离体繁殖技术。提出经均等纵切的试管苗假茎基部切块 ,在含激素的培养基上 ,具有较高的芽增殖能力 ;且在适宜的生长条件下 ,通过苗繁殖阶段与生长阶段的交替进行 ,外植体具备比较稳定的芽增殖率。研究表明 ,采用此技术 ,至少在 5个循环期 ,约 1年的时间内 ,幼苗的增殖率 2个月维持在 4~ 7芽/株。切片状态及培养基的激素种类及浓度均影响芽增殖。 8h短光照能有效降低试管苗基部鳞茎的形成。
In vitro propagation of garlic was studied by using regular varieties as material and B5 as the basal medium.It was proved that consistent and rapid proliferation of shoots could be developed from trimming healthy plantlets to 1cm high crowns and splitting these vertically at right angles to the plant of leaf formation.Symmetrical splitting was important for shoot propagation,and the kind and concentration of plant hormone in the medium could affect the propagation efficiency.Short photoperiod could effectively inhibit formation of bulb of plantlets in vitro.As the proliferating stage of plantlets could alternate with the growth stage under suitable conditions by the method,the shoots has a relative stable propagation ratio.4-7 shoots could be reproduced from a plantlet during 2 month.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica