目的 调查比较公办与民办本科临床医学人才培养质量,对我国现行高等医学教育政策进行反思并为改进民办医学教育质量提供依据.方法 比较分析公办和民办医学教育五年制临床医学专业毕业生在国家执业医师资格考试结果和校内各阶段学业成绩方面的差异.结果 作为整体,从医学院录取到本科教育各阶段学业成绩,直至国家执业医师资格考试成绩,民办医学生显著差于公办医学生.结论 民办医学生培养质量显著低于公办医学生,应当考虑逐步缩小民办医学教育本科临床医学专业招生规模,提高生源质量,对现有的民办医学院校加强监督与引导.
Objective By the comparison of national medical license examination and the core subject examinations during the school time between clinical graduates from public and private medical schools, the difference between both schools and its related reasons are analyzed, which might help introspect on the policy of national high medical education, and offer consultation and a reference to educational quality improvement of current private medical schools. Methods English version SAS 9.2 was used for data management and analysis. The past rate of medical license examination, mastering rate of the 3 main subjects and 14 courses, and the difference among the scores of core subjects at every stage during the school time were compared respectively between graduates from public and private schools. Results Compared with medical students from the public school, medical students from the private school had obviously lower scores in either on-campus examinations or national medical license examination from the beginning of medical education, every stage of undergraduate education till profession access. The difference existed in every stage during the education and in every course of the subjects. Conclusions The size of private medical schools should be decreased gradually, the matriculate quality of private medical schools should be increased, current existing private medical schools should be further monitored and guided to improve their educational quality to guarantee the quality of medical intellectuals and medical human resources in China.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education
Private medical education
Medical student
Medical license examination
Personneltraining quality