现代企业的市场竞争日趋白热化,而且竞争已经渗透过表层,深入至企业内核。市场不仅要求企业在价格、服务方面拿出相应的实力去竞争,更要求企业内部形成一种特定的企业文化。对于企业管理者而言,企业的多元化发展已经使得他们可以从哲学角度深入企业管理运作,形成自有的企业伦理文化。〈br〉 本文将从企业伦理的新时期演绎出发,对于我国现代企业伦理文化的出现和发展进行分析。由此探讨出企业伦理文化的发展轨迹,并尝试给出企业伦理文化对现代企业发展作用和发展前景评估。
The market competitions between the modern enterprises become increasingly fierce; moreover the competi-tions have soaked into the surface and penetrated into the core of the enterprises. Market requires the enterprises not only putting forward its strength to compete in terms of price and service, but also in shaping a specific enterprise culture. For enterprise man-agers, the diversified development of the enterprise can force them to deepen the management and operation of the enterprise from the philosophical perspective, and forming its own enter-prise ethics culture. 〈br〉 This essay starts from the interpretation of the enterprise ethics in the new period, and analyzes the emergence and devel-opment of modern enterprise ethics culture in China. Thus to explore the development track of the enterprise ethics culture, and try to make a prospect evaluation of the impact of the enter-prise ethic culture on the function and development of modern enterprises.
Enterprise ethics
Enterprise culture
Enterprise management
Market competition