随着经济的发展和全球化的深入,中西方文化交流的方式日趋多样化,凭借着能反映西方国家语言与文化的特点,英文电影成为国人了解西方国家的一个窗口和文化载体。电影翻译的研究拉近了两种文化间的距离,有助于更好地体现两种语言的特点和差异,从而激起人们对电影事业的兴趣和关注。〈br〉 本文从结构上总共分为三部分。第一部分为引言,介绍了电影和字幕的重要性。第二部分是主体部分,分析了论文的主导策略---归化与异化,以及在字幕翻译实践中,具体翻译方法的选择。第三部分为结论部分,总结并对未来进行字幕翻译实践的建议。
with the development of economy and accelera-tion of globalization, ways of interculture communication have become more diverse. By virtue of reflecting the language and culture of western countries’, English films have become one of the windows and cultural carriers for Chinese people to know the Western. Furthermore, studies on film translation shorten the distance between these cultures, and are helpful to reflect each language’s features and their differences. Thus we could be stim-ulated to pay attention to and to become interested in film indus-try. 〈br〉 This paper is divided into three parts structurally. The in-troduction part introduces the the importance of films and subti-tles. The second part is the main body. It introduces and analyses the guiding strategies of this paper-domestication and for-eignization, and also deals with how to choose specific methods in the practical translation. The last part is conclusion, summariz-ing and offering advice for the future subtitle translation practices.
English films
Subtitle translation
Translation strategies