
Wiki环境下学生远程协作知识建构分析的模型反思与案例研究 被引量:6

Model Reflection and Case Study of Distance Collaborative Knowledge Building Analysis in Wiki Environment
摘要 Wiki技术为远程在线学习开展实质性协作学习与协作知识共建提供了有力支撑,基于Wiki的CKB质量分析模型,将协作知识构建分为知识共享、知识联结、知识收敛三个阶段。通过案例研究,可以得出结论:基于Wiki的CKB以知识分享为主,知识联结阶段学生倾向于知识同化;知识收敛阶段学生忽略反思和迁移。协作知识构建水平受CKB构建策略和技术水平的影响。可以从CKB的社会性认知过程、技能和情感三个方面搭建"脚手架"。 Wiki technology provided powerful support for distance online learning to carry out substantive cooperation learning and Collaborative knowledge building. The collaborative knowledge building will be divided into knowledge sharing, knowledge, knowledge of the convergence of the three stage coupling, which based on CKB quality analysis model of wiki. Through case studies, it can be concluded: Wiki - based knowledge sharing of CKB - based, knowledge - coupling phase students tend to assimilate knowledge; knowledge convergence phase of reflection and migration of students to ignore. This is affected by CKB build strategy. You can build a "scaffolding" from CKB social cognitive processes skills and emotion..
机构地区 北京师范大学
出处 《现代远距离教育》 CSSCI 2014年第3期55-61,共7页 Modern Distance Education
关键词 在线协作知识建构 WIKI 学习分析 以学生为中心 Online collaborative knowledge building Wiki Learning analysis Student- centered
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