
后卡扎菲时代的利比亚国家安全治理 被引量:3

Libyan Security Governance in the Post-Gaddafi Era
摘要 传统上,冲突后的安全治理模式主要有三种:安全部门改革(SSR),解除武装、复员和重返社会(DDR),临时稳定措施(ISM)。卡扎菲政权被推翻后,利比亚安全重建进展缓慢,目前已经陷入了游击队和武装组织失控、安全机制失范和地区安全结构失衡的困境。利比亚战争对后冲突时代的国家重建影响巨大,是造成当前利比亚"三失"状况的重要原因。解决利比亚安全困境必须将上述三种模式结合起来,集各方之力,制定出宏观的、长期的利比亚安全治理路线图,根据不同的情况逐步解除游击队的武装,加强安全部门的制度建设,加快建立协调机构,与利比亚重建相关的重要外部行为体应发挥建设性作用,高度重视利比亚动荡的外溢效应,共同推进利比亚的安全治理向良性发展的趋势演变。在利比亚冲突和重建中,中国既坚持了传统的不干涉内政原则,又根据具体情况灵活适度地介入,其中东外交正在发生令人瞩目的变化。 Traditionally, there are three security governance models in post-conflict reconstruction: disarmament, demobilization and reintegration(DDR), security sector reform(SSR) and temporary stabilization measures(ISM). After Muammar Gaddafi's regime was overthrown, Libya's security reconstruction was rather slow. The guerrillas and armed groups are out of control, the security regimes are out of service and the regional security structures are now in imbalance. Libya's war has tremendous impacts on the country's post-conflict reconstruction, which is also the important reason of the current grim status of Libyan security. The solutions to the dilemma lies in the combination of the traditional ways, developing a comprehensive management strategy and roadmap, taking targeted measures to disarm the guerrillas under different circumstances, strengthening the construction of the security sector, and accelerating the establishment of the coordinating organization. And all the related actors should play a constructive role and attach great importance to the spillover effects of the Libyan unrest to promote security governance in Libya towards irreversible trend. During the process of Libya's conflict and reconstruction, China has not only adhered to the traditional principle of non-interference, but also involved creatively which implies remarkable changes of its Middle East diplomacy.
作者 江涛
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 2014年第3期88-106,157,共19页 Global Review
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