
水资源约束下西北干旱区生态环境与城市化的响应关系研究——以张掖市为例 被引量:32

Interaction between urbanization and eco-environment in arid area of northwest China with constrained water resources:a case of Zhangye City
摘要 我国西北干旱区属生态脆弱敏感地区,自然环境的演化有其相对独特的客观运行规律,而城市化对此类区域生态环境的扰动、影响范围、以及生态环境的响应机理、程度等,是当前乃至未来一段时间区域可持续发展中必须关注的焦点问题之一。在对城市化与生态环境的相互作用研究综述的基础上,以西北干旱区黑河流域张掖市绿洲区为案例,重点探讨黑河流域社会经济生态复合系统中水资源对城市化格局和过程的响应关系,揭示干旱区城市化过程与区域水资源配置的内在反馈机制,并对区域城市化发展与水资源利用变化的响应关系进行量化研究。结果表明:在干旱区,水资源压力随城市化的推进呈现出一定的变化规律,城市化的发展往往是以水资源压力为代价的,然而随着城市化的发展,城市化与水资源的关系不断得以磨合,最终将朝着协调共生的方向发展。 Based on the theory of progress and prospect on interaction between urbanization and eco-environment,as a case study of the Zhangye City oasis at the Heihe River Basin in arid area of northwest China,this paper focuses on the study of the response relationship of water resources to urbanization patterns and process in the compound social-economical-ecological system,reveals the internal feedback mechanism of urbanization process and water resources distribution in the arid area,and carries out the quantitative research on the response relationship of regional urbanization development to water resources utilization variation. The analysis was completed of the trends of urbanization and the amount of regional water consumption during 1999-2011 in Zhangye,and established the dynamic coupling models of urbanization and coordinated development of water resources. First of all,the empirical study was made of the relationships among the amount of water,urbanization and per capita GDP,and then the empirical study was carried out on urbanization and regional water targets in Zhangye. The conclusions are as follows:the most significant relevance between urbanization and the level of regional economic development in Zhangye is up to 0.93061,and there is a logarithmic curve. In respect of the relationships of the urbanization development process of Zhangye City to the special indicators of the regional water consumption,and in the field of urbanization and unit water efficiency,and domestic water consumption,there are logarithmic curve models and S-shaped curve models,whose correlation coefficients are all above 0.74. At the present,the harmonious development system of urbanization and water resource utilization in the Hexi Corridor is in its developmental phrase. However,the water resources constraint is increased quickly with the advancement of urbanization process. The coupling situation of urbanization and water resource utilization also shows a weakening trend. From the temporal change of the coupling degree,it concluded that urbanization process sometimes is in need of some cost of the water resource constraint in its initial stages,but as the urbanization continues,the coupling state of urbanization and water resource constrain would be meliorated and advanced along the harmonious and symbiotic direction. So,it is crucial to recognize the dynamic coupling law between urbanization and water resources,and adopt the proper modes to realize the sustainable development of the urbanization in the Hexi Corridor.
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期520-531,共12页 Arid Land Geography
基金 2012年度教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目(12XJA790001) 2012年度甘肃省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(12068GL)
关键词 城市化 生态环境 水资源约束 交互胁迫 西北干旱区 urbanization ecologic environment water resource progress and prospect arid area of northwest China
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