

Clinical experience on central resection of posterior capsule treating intraocular lens pupillary capture
摘要 目的评估晶状体后囊中央切除治疗人工晶状体瞳孔夹持的临床效果。方法对23例(25眼)固定性人工晶状体瞳孔夹持患者行中央后囊膜切除联合人工晶状体后囊夹持手术,术后观察6个月。结果人工晶状体均位于后囊后,位置稳定无偏移,中央区完全透明,效果满意。结论晶状体后囊中央切除术对固定性人工晶状体瞳孔夹持的解除效果明显、安全可靠。 OBJECTIVE To assess the clinical effect of treatment on the lens capsule after the removal of artificial lens pupil clamping. METHODS In 23 cases (25 eyes) with regular artificial lens pupil gripping, the central resection of the posterior capsule combined artificial lens capsule clamping operation were performed. RESULTS After 6 months' follow up, the effects were satisfactory. Artificial lens capsules were located in stable position without deviation and the central area was completely transparent. CONCLUSIONS The effect of the resection of regular artificial crystal pupil clamping lifting was obvious, safe and reliable.
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2014年第3期211-213,共3页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
关键词 瞳孔夹持 后囊中央切除 人工晶状体 手术 白内障 the pupil clamping central resection of the posterior capsule intraocular lens surgery cataract
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