
无髓牙根纵裂的诊断 被引量:3

Diagnosis of vertical root fracture in endodontically treated teeth
摘要 目的探讨无髓牙(即经过根管治疗的牙)根纵裂的临床特点和诊断依据。方法 14例患牙经影像学检查、翻瓣或拔除等方法确诊的根纵裂无髓牙,回顾性分析其病史、临床体征及影像学检查结果。结果 14例确诊患牙中,磨牙6颗,前磨牙4颗,前牙4颗。14例患牙均有牙冠修复(其中10例有桩核)。14例牙周探诊均可及局限性的深牙周袋(≥7 mm),根尖片表现以牙槽骨垂直吸收为主。5例患者有锥形束CT检查,其中1例通过CT直接诊断为根纵裂。结论无髓牙根纵裂的诊断可根据病史、临床特点、影像学检查等综合判断。 Objective To discuss the characteristics and diagnosis of vertical root fracture(VRF) in endodontically treated teeth. Methods Fourteen patients were diagnosed definitely by radiological examinations, flap elevations and being extracted, and retrospectively analysed the history, signs and the results of X-ray or cone beam computed tomography(CBCT) examinations. Results There were 6 molars, 4 premolars and 4 front teeth, respectively. All the 14 teeth had crown and 10 of them had posts. Conclusion The diagnosis of vertical root fracture in endodontically treated teeth is difficult. We should make diagnosis synthetically according to the history and clinical traits of patients.
作者 范亚贤 李华
出处 《首都医科大学学报》 CAS 2014年第3期364-367,共4页 Journal of Capital Medical University
关键词 无髓牙 根纵裂 诊断 锥形束CT endodontically treated teeth vertical root fracture diagnosis cone beam computed tomography(CBCT)
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