
农村公共服务供给主体关系重构的制度基础——基于社会学制度主义的分析视角 被引量:1

The Institutional Basis to Reconstruct the Relationship of Rural Public Service Supply Main Body
摘要 在公共服务多元供给过程中,农村公共服务的供给主体主要包括基层政府、企业、农村社会组织以及村委会和村民。各主体间平等合作、协同互助的关系是农村公共服务有效供给的保障。政府部门对人力、财力、物力等方面的控制以及其他供给主体的动力不足、参与意识薄弱等多种原因导致了多元主体间良性互动关系的断裂,这将影响资源配置的效率以及公众需求的满足。从社会学制度主义的视角进行分析,建立强制性规章制度、规范管理运行机制以及增强各供给主体对协同合作关系的认同感是进行制度构建的有效途径,同时为重构农村公共服务供给主体关系提供了制度支撑。 In the process of multivariate supply of public service, the supply main body of rural public service mainly includes rural grassroots government, enterprises, rural social group, the village committee and villagers. The relationship of equal cooperation, coordination and mutual assistance among different subjects is the guarantee of effective supply of rural public service. Government control of the aspects such as manpower, financial and material resources as well as the other main body of supply is lack of power, participation consciousness weak, etc reasons will result in the breakage of benign interaction among multiple main bodies, which will affect the efficiency of resources allocation and satisfaction of the public demand. By analyzing from the perspective of sociological institutionalism, constructing mandatory rules and regulations, standardize management mechanism and enhancing the sense of identity of supply main body on collaborative relationship are the effective ways to build the system, at the same time, provide the system support on reconstructing the main body relationship of rural public service supply.
作者 蔺丰奇 赵雪
出处 《河北经贸大学学报(综合版)》 2014年第2期56-61,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business(Comprehensive Edition)
基金 2012年国家社科基金项目"社会管理创新的伦理路径与制度支持研究"(12&ZD043)社会管理阶段性成果
关键词 公共服务 农村 合作关系 制度构建 基层政府 村民 多元主体协同供给 信任机制 public service countryside cooperation relationship system construction grass-roots government villagers collab-orative supply of multiple subjects trust mechanism
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