
大批量定制下按订单装配产品同步生产计划方法 被引量:3

Synchronized production planning method for assemble to order products of mass customization
摘要 为解决大批量定制下按订单装配产品提前期设置及零部件加工与产品装配同步的问题,提出了基于目标追踪法和工程深度指示的同步生产计划方法。利用目标追踪法,按照产品关键零部件使用数量均衡的原则,求解出产品装配顺序计划。根据关键零部件各加工工序的标准作业时间及工作班次时间,计算各工序的加工数量及安全存量,再从装配线最后一个工位开始,反向依次计算出每个装配工位及加工工序的产品顺序号,将上述计算结果以图形化的方式表示出来,得到产品关键零部件的工程深度指示,并按该指示同步零部件加工和产品装配。通过将该方法应用到叉车的实际生产中验证了其有效性。 To solve the problems of lead time setting and synchronization of parts processing and products assembling for assemble to order products under mass customization, the synchronized production planning method based on Goal Chasing Algorithm(GCA) and Engineering Depth Indication(EDD was proposed. GCA was used to calculate the products assembling order with the principle of major parts usage equilibrium, and the processing and safety stock number of each workstation was calculated based on the standard operation time and work shift time. The product serial number on each workstation was counted from the last one of the product assembly line added by the safety stock. The above results were depicted on a diagram to obtain the EDI of major parts, and the method was applied to a forklift factory to demonstrate its validity.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1352-1358,共7页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175463 61203177) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2013BAF02B00) 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LY12G02015) 广西制造系统与先进制造技术重点实验室开放课题资助项目(11-031-12_012)~~
关键词 大批量定制 按订单装配产品 同步 生产计划 目标追踪法 工程深度指示 叉车 mass customization assemble to order products synchronized production planning goal chasing algorithm engineering depth indication forklift
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