
从发达国家制造业回流看中国制造业的发展 被引量:8

The development of Chinese manufacturing industry from the perspective of manufacturing reflux in some developed countries
摘要 系统梳理了近期发达国家促进制造业回流的相关战略规划、政策措施和政策工具,分析了这些举措可能对中国制造业产生的影响,提出促进中国制造业发展的政策建议。 This paper reviews the strategic planning, policy measures and policy tools to promote the reflux of manufacturing in some developed countries,and analysis the impact of these initiatives on the Chinese manufacturing sector,and finally makes policy recommendations to promote the development of Chinese manufacturing industry.
出处 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期113-116,共4页 Scientific Management Research
关键词 制造业回流 战略规划 政策措施 政策工具 政策建议 Manufacturing reflux Strategic Planning Policy measures Policy tools Policy Recommendations
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