利用弯曲法进行有倾角的层状介质的两点射线追踪 ,并采用改进的阻尼最小二乘法迭代求解。为了减小迭代初值的影响 ,采用分段线性插值调整迭代初值 ,使这种方法具有较好和较快的收敛性 ,对不同层数和倾角的层状介质均适用。
Using the bent method ,we do two point ray tracing in dipping layered media and have acquired solutions iteratively with the improved Marquardt least square . To minimize the affect of the initial value ,the segmental linear interpolation is adopted in adjusting the initial values for iteration ,which makes the method better and faster in convergence .This method is applicable to layered media with diffferent number of layers and different dips.
Journal of Xi'an Engineering University
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