高桩码头长期工作在具有腐蚀性介质的潮湿环境中 ,因钢筋的锈蚀会使构件表面砼胀裂而破损 ,目前我国大部分的高桩码头都进入了锈蚀破损的高峰期。通过研究指出 :以往国内外用构件锈蚀破损表面积大小或顺筋裂缝大小的标准来确定维修方案的方法是不正确的。根据一般构件为等截面 ,而沿跨度分布的弯矩不均匀的事实 ,指出构件在控制断面以外的部位强度有富裕 ,允许钢筋适当的锈蚀仍能满足设计强度的新见解。提出了锈蚀破损面板的强度安全性评估准则、强度因子新概念及其具体计算式 ,可以量化评估锈蚀破损面板的残余承载力 ,为科学制定锈蚀破损面板的维修方案提供参考 ,在保证码头结构安全的同时 。
The open type pier on piles is normally located in the wet environment with caustic mediums. On acount of steel bar rust, the surface of the concrete member crazes and fails. At present, a majority of open type piers on piles come into the peak period of rust. Based on the research, the authors points out that the previous standard of the size of the exterior rust area and the length of the crack for maintenance, widely adopted by domestic and oversea scholars, is not correct. According to the reality that the member sections are mostly equal, but the bending moments distributed along the span are unequal, we put forward the new concept that the advisable rust on the steel bar can be allowed in the concrete member except the control section part and that it can also satisfy the design demand. The safety assessment rule about the rusty slab, the notion of intensity modulus and its material formula are presented. So we can evaluate the remanent carrying capacity of rusty slabs in a quantitative way. A reliable method to carry out the maintaining of the rusty slab is provided. A large sum of maintenance cost can thus be saved and at the same time the safety of the pier structure ensured.
The Ocean Engineering