目的:采用Origin软件拟合DXI 800发光仪的四参数logistic定标数据,比较其与DXI 800计算的数据差异,探讨采用Origin软件计算DXI 800未知数据的可能性。方法选择睾酮、总甲状腺素、雌二醇、肌钙蛋白I、促甲状腺激素、癌胚抗原和孕酮的定标数据,采用Origin软件拟合四参数logistic计算结果,与DXI 800发光仪计算的结果比较。结果采用 Origin 软件计算的结果与 DXI 800计算的结果基本一致,平均偏倚介于-0.85%~1.68%之间。结论可以采用Origin软件计算DXI 800发光仪的未知结果。
Objective To fit 4 parameter logistic calibration of DXI 800 chemiluminescence analyzer by Origin software and compare the datum difference between Origin and DXI 800,and to investigate the calculation possibility of unknown results of DXI 800 by Origin software.Methods The calibration results of testosterone,total thyroxine, estradiol,troponin I,thyrotropic hormone,carcino-embryonic antigen and progesterone were collected and fit by Origin software,and the calculation results with the original results of DXI 800 system were analyzed comparatively.Results The calculation results of Origin software were very close to the original results of DXI 800,and mean bias was from-0.85% to 1 .68%.Conclusions Origin software is suitable for the calculation of unknown results of DXI 800 chemiluminescence analyzer.
Laboratory Medicine