
形式的内容:小说叙事中直接引语塑造人物身份研究 被引量:2

The Content of the Form: Directly Reported Dialogues and Identity Construction in Narrative Fictions
摘要 当前国内文学批评界过于重视思想分析,忽视语言形式分析,这一点在文学形象塑造研究上尤为严重。文章旨在批判这一现象,凸显语言形式分析之重要性。通过分析《傲慢与偏见》中的直接引语即人物对话,研究人物身份塑造的过程,研究发现:人物身份通过交际句法逐步展开,在本文中体现为"请求——拒绝"这一基本交际结构,作者在人物形象塑造的同时,借助人物声音表达自己思想。本研究对弥补语言研究和思想研究之间的鸿沟具有一定的积极意义。 Contemporary literary criticism in China tends to privilege macro ideological analysis and downplay micro discourse analysis, which is made nowhere more obvious than in characterization research in narrative fictions. The current paper aims to address such an imbalance by raising our awareness of the role of discourse in the novel. Drawing on the methodology of conversation analysis, this study focuses on directly reported dialogues within Pride and prejudice, viz. dialogues between characters, in an attempt to explore the process of identity formation of two minor characters. The study has yielded the following findings : first, the identities of characters are constructed through a series of sequences expanded from an adjacency pair of request and refusal--a deeply ingrained syntax of interaction. Secondly, the author positions herself and expresses her viewpoints through manipulation of these two characters' voices. This paper extends our understanding of literature by bridging the gap between ideological analysis and micro oriented conversational analysis.
作者 兰良平
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第4期62-68,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 海南省教育厅人文社科类项目"叙事中的直接引语在身份建构中的作用"(Hjsk2013-07)
关键词 身份塑造 直接引语 小说人物评论 identity formation directly reported dialogues character criticism
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