

Influence of Customer's Partiality on Work Satisfaction of Customer Service Staff
摘要 该文以新疆某通讯公司的服务厅前台业务员与客服接线员为案例,以情绪智力与劳动关系氛围分别作为个人与组织层面的调节变量,运用相关分析、回归分析等统计方法,探讨了其对顾客不公平与工作满意度关系的调节作用。结果显示:被调查员工总体满意度不高,不满意的因素除顾客不公平行为的侵犯,主要还有工作量大、工作要求与监督过于严格等。为此,企业应重视顾客对员工满意度的影响;应采取措施减轻顾客不公平的危害,并通过改善劳动关系氛围缓解顾客不公平对满意度的负面影响;应通过对情绪智力的培养来提高员工应对顾客不公平的能力。 Taking the receptionist and customer service operator from a communications company,Xinjiang branch as a case,and taking emotion,intelligence and working environment as invariables,this paper studies the relationship between customer’s partiality and staff′s work satisfaction by regression analysis. The research shows that the work satisfaction of the staff investigated is not high, besides customer’s partiality, the reason of which lies instaff’s overwork as well as over-rigid requirement and regulations. It follows that more emphasis should be put on customer’s influence on staff’s work satisfaction and effective measures shoud be taken to alleviate the influence of customer’s partiality by improving working environment, and to raise staff’s adaptability by emotional and intelligent regulation.
作者 柴富成 王琪
出处 《石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第3期94-99,共6页 Journal of Shihezi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 顾客不公平 工作满意度 情绪智力 劳动关系氛围 customer’s-partiality work-satisfaction emotion-and-intelligence working-environment
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