
YouTube个人发布视频对中国形象的编码与解码 被引量:6

Encoding and Decoding of China Image on YouTube. com: A Case Study on Sampled YouTube Videos Uploaded by Individual Users
摘要 YouTube网站上的个人用户已构成了全球传播中一支不容忽视的重要力量,而他们对中国形象建构的介入尚未得到充分的认识。文章对2011至2012年间历时9个月抽取的158段YouTube个人发布视频进行了符号及话语分析,阐释了该样本建构的中国形象及其采用的编码与解码策略。研究结果发现,YouTube个人发布视频对中国刻板印象的建构与解构在话语力量对比上出现了显著的量变,但打破旧格局、确立新秩序的质变尚未实现。尽管如此,协商及反抗话语的出现仍为公共外交政策的介入提供了施展影响力的空间。 YouTube individual users are playing an increasingly active role in representing China on a global scale. To achieve a better understanding of the phenomenon, this article conducts a semiotic and discourse analysis of 158 sampled YouTube videos uploaded by individual users to study the categorized images of China as represented by these videos, and to analyze the encoding/decoding strategies adopted by their uploaders. Results of this research indicate that though a quantitative change can be detected as regards the competition between the construction and de-construction of stereotypes, a crucial shift of the unbalanced representation of China that persist in traditional international communication is still far from sight.
作者 张春波
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期70-77,共8页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 YouTube网站 个人发布视频 中国形象 刻板印象 编码与解码 YouTube individual uploaded videos representation of China stereotypes encodingand decoding
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