
从神话传说看古代日本人的灾害认知 被引量:5

Study about Ancient Japanese's Cognition of Disasters in Myths and Legends
摘要 日本的神话传说是在与日本列岛的自然环境相适应的文化中产生的,是探究古代文化种种原象的重要端绪。《古事记》、《日本书纪》、《风土记》所记载的神话传说包含了古代日本人对自然灾害的认知。其中,创世神话、须佐之男命神话、苇原中国平定神话、夜刀神神话和治水神话等神话传说,一方面表达了古代日本人对自然灾害的敬畏,认为自然灾害是神的行为;另一方面,亦传递出古代日本人直面自然灾害时积极应对的意识。同时,在日本神话传说中,不只是强调自然灾害对农耕社会的破坏与冲击,而且还言及人类开发自然的行为与自然灾害的可能性关联,显示出古代日本人对人与自然相互制约关系的认知。 Since ancient times, people on the islands of Japan have frequently experienced a variety of natural disasters. Myths and legends of Japan are rooted in the culture adapted to the natural environment, and provide important trails for exploring the truth of ancient Japanese culture. The myths and legends of Kojiki, Nihonshoki and Fudoki contain ancient Japanese's understanding of natural disasters, which has important impact on Japanese culture in later generations. In the myths and legends of the creation, "Susanowo/I "Ashihara no nakatsukuni," "Yatsu no Kami" and the water God recorded in the Kojiki, Nihonshoki and Fudoki, the natural phenomena such as earthquake, fire, thunder, flood, animal and plant are idolized as gods. In these myths and legends, natural disasters are accredited to gods' behaviors, manifesting ancient Japanese's consciousness of reverence and fear for natural disasters. At the same time, facing natural disasters, both the punishment given to the God of Disaster Susanowo by the heavenly gods in the myths of "Ama no iwayato" and the human beings' posture to the gods of disaster in the myths of "Yatsu no Kami" and the water God, are ending with the gods of disaster's being expelled to another world or space, or the gods of disaster being weakened in power. All these displayed ancient Japanese's cognition of natural environment, which is full of disasters on the islands of Japan. In the myths of Ama-no-iwayato, Amaterasu-omikami retreated and bided in the stone house when Susanowo brought disasters to the heaven world (Takama-no-hara), which produced even greater crisis in the universe. This story could represent the incapability and helplessness in ancient Japanese's character. The description of sacrifice of the gods' means to face and deal with crises, on the one hand emphasizes that sacrifice is an effective solution to prevent disasters, on the other hand elaborates on the legitimacy of the monarchy headed by the Tenno from the perspective of overcoming natural disasters. The myths of "Ashihara no nakatsukuni," "Yatsu no Kami" and the water God reflect Ancient Japanese's positive attitude towards natural disasters. Also, the myths of "Yatsu no Kami" presents the opposition between human beings and nature when depicting ancient Japanese's exploiting natural environment around. These myths note that ancient Japanese's worshiped the snake gods from generation to generation because they believed that this worship can prevent hatred and revenge by the snake gods for human beings' nature-exploiting, which displays ancient Japanese's simple awareness that nature exploitation could cause disasters. Ancient Japanese's cognition of natural disasters displayed in the myths and legends varies from time to time, from place to place, and from people to people. Their attitudes towards natural disasters demonstrate pluralism as positive and passive or submissive factors are interweaved.
作者 王海燕
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期191-200,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13BSS018)
关键词 古代日本人 神话传说 灾害认知 自然灾害 人与自然 灾害神 ancient Japanese myths and legends the cognition of disasters natural disasters human beings and nature the gods of disaster
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