

The China Fashion on the 18^(th) Century French Stage: Examplied by Lesage's Dramatic Writing
摘要 18世纪初叶的"中国热"、"中国风",风靡法国社会文化生活,在相当长的时间里,支配了法国人的文化品味,并首先在法国戏剧舞台上,得到了强有力的文学回应。这在本世纪喜剧艺术界勒萨日等作家那里,得到了相应的展示。勒萨日在为巴黎圣—日耳曼和圣—洛朗两大集市剧院创作喜剧期间,一共写了三部有关中国题材的喜剧:《隐身阿尔乐坎》、《阿勒甘、水猎狗、宝塔和医生》和《中国公主》。勒萨日这三部中国题材戏,在法国戏剧文学中塑造了最初的中国舞台形象,适时地向西方观众展示了包括外貌、言谈、举止、语言、风俗在内的中国人信息,为西方受众提供了中国视觉形象相对完整的摹本。 The China fashion in the early 18th century French social life dominated the cultural taste of French people for a long time, which was first testified by the literary achievement on the French stage, including the achievement of the comedian writers like Lesage. When Lesage was writing for Saint-Germain and Saint-Laurent, two market theaters in Paris, he created three comedies about China: Arlequin Invisible, l'Arlequin Barber, Pagodeet Medecin and The Chinese Princess, which initiated China's image in French dramatic literature, and informed the west about the appearance, talk, behaviour, language and customs of Chinese people, which is a comparatively more comprehensive visual image of China.
作者 钱林森
机构地区 南京大学文学院
出处 《华文文学》 CSSCI 2014年第3期30-36,共7页 Literatures in Chinese
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中外文学交流史"(项目号:06BZW019)
关键词 十八世纪法国 中国风尚 勒萨日 戏剧创作 the 18th century France, China fashion, Lesage, dramatic writing
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