
端粒和端粒酶在癌症中的研究进展及意义 被引量:12

The Significance and Progress of Telomere and Telomerase in Cancer
摘要 端粒是位于染色体末端的DNA串联重复序列,对基因组稳定性和完整性起保护作用。端粒的长度与细胞周期密切相关。其长度变化机制分为依赖端粒酶活性和端粒重组两类,氧化应激和铅(Pb)与端粒酶的功能蛋白相结合抑制其活性,致使端粒缩短,硒(Se)与二者具有拮抗作用,延缓衰老。相关数据表明85%肿瘤细胞与端粒酶活性成正相关,以端粒酶活性作为肿瘤治疗靶标称为当代热点之一。主要对肺癌、乳腺癌等恶性肿瘤与端粒的相关性进行了综述,以期为端粒和端粒酶在癌症治疗研究提供参考依据。 Telomeres is DNA tandem repeats the ends of linear chromosomes, and telomere stability was required for genome stability. The length of the telomeres was closely associated with the cell cycle. Its length change mechanism was divided into dependent on telomerase activity and telomere restructuring. Evidence have shown that oxidative stress can alter the structure and function of telomere. Its activity was inhibited when plumbum combined with telomerase, then telomeres were shortened. But selenium have antagonism effect with both, which made senility to delay. Relevant data showed that 85% of tumor cells with telomerase activity were positive correlation. Telomerase activity is an essential characteristic of cancer cells, which known as one of the cancer targets. Lung cancer, breast cancer and other malignant tumor correlated with telomeres were reviewed. It may provide references for the study of telomere and telomerase in cancer therapy.
出处 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期260-264,共5页 Life Science Research
基金 中央高校科研专项基金项目资助(11NZYTH03)
关键词 端粒 端粒酶 肿瘤 telomere telomerase tumor
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