宴赏是《红楼梦》中的重要情节 ,大型宴赏在前八十回中超过十次 ,每次宴赏曹雪芹都精心选择、巧妙安排、新巧绝俗、意蕴深沉。比较其中两次时令宴———中秋赏菊和中秋赏桂 ,从中不难看出曹雪芹的良苦用心 。
Banquet enjoyment is an important plot in Dream of Red Chamber. There were over ten large banquets enjoyment in the first eighty chapters. Every banquet enjoyment was chosen and arranged carefully. From the comparasion of two vogue banquets-Enjoying Chrysanthemums and sweent\|scented osmanthus on Mid\|Autumn day, we can find Cao Xueqin's good intention and the custom of how aristocrats enjoyed banquet in Qing dynasty.
Cuisine Journal of Yangzhou University