以《黄帝内经》为代表的上古时期、以孙思邈为代表的中古时期、以忽思慧《饮膳正要》为代表的近古时期 ,构成了中国古典营养学发展的三个里程碑 ,这三个历史时期的中国古典营养学均以阴阳五行学说作为理论框架 。
There are three milestones in Chinese classical nutrition development, of which Emperor Ne Jin representing early ancient time, Sun Simiao representing middle ancient time and Yin Shan Zheng Yao by Hu Sihui representing recent ancient time. The Chinese classical nutrition in these three historic times take Yin Yang Wu Xin as theoretical frame,and Yin Yang balance mode to relate the principle of diet balance.
Cuisine Journal of Yangzhou University