目的通过本底调查,了解掌握葫芦岛口岸蝇类的种群构成、密度分布及季节消长情况,为口岸开展蝇类控制及蝇类传播传染病的监控提供基础依据。方法 2012年5月-2012年11月以葫芦岛港货物堆场、职工宿舍区和职工食堂外三处为调查点,采用诱蝇笼捕集法,以青方和烂苹果为诱饵进行诱捕,对捕获的成蝇用乙醚熏杀后,送媒介生物实验室进行种群鉴定。结果本年度调查共捕获成蝇1161只,经鉴定隶属于4科14属17种,优势蝇种为黑尾黑麻蝇,占24.98%;蝇密度高峰期出现在8月,峰值为27.5只/笼·天。蝇密度随季节消长,平均密度为13.8只/笼·天。结论初步了解了葫芦岛口岸蝇类的种群构成、密度分布和季节消长,为口岸进一步开展蝇类媒介生物监测提供了依据。
Objective To provide scientific reference for the prevention and controlling of flies and infectious disea- ses surveillance by mastering the background of species composition, density and seasonal fluctuation rules of the flies at Huludao Port in Liaoning. Methods From May 2012 to November 2012,The cage -trapping method was used to investigate flies at three biological conditions ,which are cargo site, dormitory ,and canteen outside. After smoking by ether, species identification,and counting were conducted,meanwhile intact flies were chosen to make samples. Results 1 161 flies were captured and classified into 4 families,4 genus, 17 species. The dominant species was Helicophangella melanura, accounting for 24.98% ; and it reached the peak in August ,the density was 27.5 flies per cage day. the fly density fluctuated in different seasons,the annual average density wasl3.8 flies per cage day; Conclusion We have basically mastered the species composition and seasonal fluctuation of the files at huludao port in this investigation and therefore could provide scientific guideline for further control of epidemics carried by the files.
Port Health Control
Huludao flies background investigation specie seasonal fluctuation