电子商务网站设计包括脚本设计、数据库设计、安全设计和选取建站工具等几个步骤 .脚本设计主要是要确定商务网站的营销主题和营销模式 ,并设计处理过程 .数据库是商务网站的核心 ,它要分类保存有用的商务信息 ,为各类营销分析提供支持 .网络安全方面 ,除了常用的安全防护体系之外 ,安全认证系统可为客户信息安全提供保证 .关于建站工具目前常用 NT+ IIS+ ASP方案 .
The design of E commercial Web site is produced from the combination of script design, data processing, selecting the instrument of building Web site and other new technologies. Script design centers on deciding marketing theme and models for E commercial Web site and processing procedure. Database is the nucleus of this Web site, which needs to classify and keep commerical information so as to provide support for various kinds of marketing analysis. Regarding security of network, security identification system in addition to the usual security defence system may guarantee the safety of the clients information. Currently a frequently used tool for setting up a Web site is NT+IIS+ASP scheme.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry(Natural Science)