
溱湖底栖动物群落结构与多样性及其与水环境变量的相关性分析 被引量:1

Community Structure and Diversity of Zoobenthos and Their Relationship with Water Environmental Variables of Qinhu Wetland
摘要 [目的]研究溱湖湿地旅游行船对底栖动物群落结构和多样性的影响。[方法]于2008—2013年5月和9月对溱湖湿地5含栗样点底栖动物群落和水质指标(pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、总磷和总氮)进行调查,分析底栖动物群落结构,研究底栖动物多样性指数与水质指标的Pearson相关系数。[结果]共采集到底栖动物39种,其中软体动物9种,摇蚊类11种,寡毛类9种,其他类10种;优势种为耐污种群水丝蚓属(Limnodrilus)。水温、DO、总磷和总氮是影响溱湖底栖动物群落结构与多样性的重要因素。其中,水温与底栖动物多样性指数(Shannon-wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数)呈显著正相关。DO与底栖动物个体数呈显著负相关。总磷和总氮与底栖动物多样性指数呈显著负相关性,说明水质的营养状况是影响溱湖湿地底栖动物群落结构与多样性的重要水环境因素。溱湖湿地水质功能在退化,说明旅游行船不利于底栖动物生长。[结论]该研究可为该地区动植物资源和水资源管理以及水质生物监测工作提供重要的生物数据和技术参考。 [ Objective ] The research aimed to study the effects of tourism boat on the community structure and diversity of zoobenthos in Qinhu wetland. [ Method ] The community of zoobenthos and water quality indices ( pH, DO, potassium permanganate index, total P and total N) in five sampling points of Qinhu wetland in May and September during 2008 ~ 2012 were investigated. The community structure of zoobenthos was analyzed. And Pearson correlation coefficients between diversity indices of zoobenthos and water quality indices were studied. [ Result ] 39 species of zoobenthos were collected, including 9 species of molluscs, 11 species of chironomids, 9 species of oligochaetes and 10 other species. The dominant taxa was Limnodrilus. Water temperature, DO, total phosphorus and total nitrogen were main factors that influenced the community structure and diversity of zoobenthos. The water temperature showed significant positive correlations with the diversity indices (Shannon-wiener index, Simpson index and Pielou index) of zoobenthos. DO showed a significant negative correlation with the individual number of zoobenthos. Total P and total N showed significant negative correlations with the diversity indices of zoobenthos, iwhich indicated that nutritional status of water was one of important environmental factors that affected the community structure and diversity of zoobenthos in Qinhu wetland. The water quality indices of Qinhu wetland were degenerate, which indicated that the tourism was unfavorable for the growth of zoobenthos. [ Conclusion] The research could provide important biological data and technical references for the management of animal and plant resources and water resources in this region and the biological monitoring of water quality.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第20期6613-6614,共2页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 2013年度环保公益性行业科研专项(201309008)
关键词 溱湖湿地 底栖动物 多样性 影响因素 Qinhu wetland Zoobenthos Diversity Influencing factors
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