

New York City Labor Employment:Status quo,Initiatives,and Effect
摘要 2012年6月,纽约市政府出台了《一个城市,一个系统:纽约市劳动力系统现状(2011)》报告,为雇主和工作寻求者提供就业数据和更好的服务。纽约市劳动力有发展的潜力和空间,但不同群体的就业和收入有一定差异。纽约市就业部门,包括教育部门,采取了一些促进劳动力就业的措施,取得了一定效果。纽约市劳动力就业服务具有重视劳动力服务项目、关注处境不利群体、加强部门合作、发挥教育部门作用等特点。 In order to provide employment data and better services for employers and job seekers, the government of New York City issued the annual report of “One System for One City: The State of the New York City Workforce System ” in June 2012. New York City has potential and space for labor development, but there is a certain difference among the different groups for the employment and income. Employment sectors in New York City have taken a number of measures to promote the labor employment and achieved certain results. Labor employment service has certain features: paying attention to the labor service projects, focusing disadvantaged groups, strengthening the cooperation of sectors, and playing the role of the education sector.
作者 孔令帅
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期18-23,共6页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 上海市高校智库建设项目"国际城市教育研究" 上海市教科一般项目"上海基础教育成就原因的实证研究:基于上海在PISA测评中的表现(B12032)" 上海市教科院委托课题"面向世界的实证研究:上海基础教育成就的原因探索(PISA201205)的研究成果"
关键词 纽约市 劳动力就业 就业部门 教育部门 New York City labor employment employment sector education sector
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