

Research on the Cultural Policy in the Kingdom of Art Ireland
摘要 在爱尔兰文化与艺术是两个交互使用的名词,包含了一切艺术形式。1922年爱尔兰从英国的统治下独立出来,最初三十年文化发展几乎为零,1951年艺术法出台,政府开始意识到文化的重要性,1973年和2003年修订的艺术法促进了文化的发展。艺术、遗产和爱尔兰语部是主管文化事务的政府机构,与之保持"一臂之距"的艺术委员会是文化的执行和规划机构。现有的十三部法律规范着文化的不同方面。2011年爱尔兰用于文化领域的经费占国家财政预算的0.4%,2012年各级政府的公共文化人均支出为37.81欧元,占到GDP的0.1057%,文化支出占2012年全部公共支出的0.31%。1994年和2006年公共和艺术调研组的调查显示爱尔兰人普遍对于艺术抱有积极的态度,85%的民众参与了至少一个艺术表演活动。爱尔兰人均在休闲、娱乐、教育上的花费占个人总支出的8%-9%。 In Ireland,culture and arts are two words that can be used alternately,including all the forms.In 1922,Ireland became independent of England,but the Irish state did not develop culture during the first thirty years of its existence.The Arts Act of 195 1 was introduced,the government began to realize the importance of culture.The Arts Act of 1973 and 2003 promoted the development of culture.The Department of Arts,Heritage and the Gaeltacht is the government section that Responsible for the arts and culture in Ireland.The Arts Council,keeping an arm’s length with the department,is the execution and planning agency.The existing thirteen law give the norms for different aspects of culture.The share of the state budget allocated to culture in 201 1 was 0.4%.Per capita expenditue of public culture in 2012 was 37.81 EUR,this was 0.1057% of GDP.Irish people generally have very positive attitudes to the arts displayed to the survey of the public and the ait in 1994 and 2006.85% of people had attended at least one arts event.The consumption per person on recreation,entertainment and education is account for 8%-9%of total personal expenditure.
作者 张丽
出处 《山东图书馆学刊》 2014年第3期53-58,共6页 The Library Journal of Shandong
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"加快公共文化立法 提高文化建设法制化水平研究"(批准号:12&ZD032)研究成果之一
关键词 遗产和爱尔兰语部 艺术委员会 艺术法 文化 爱尔兰 Department of Heritage and Gaeltacht The arts council Arts act Culture Ireland
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