
基于DNA编码的网络隐蔽存储信道设计方法 被引量:1

A novel network covert storage channel algorithm based on DNA coding
摘要 针对网络隐蔽存储信道如何隐秘而高效地传输秘密信息问题,提出一种基于DNA编码机制的网络隐蔽存储信道设计方法,该方法利用数据包报头中合法字段传送秘密信息。发送方先将秘密信息借用DNA编码机制得到二进制序列,再利用Arnold变换对二进制序列进行置乱,最后将置乱后的随机二进制序列嵌入到多个数据包报头中,接收方可采用相反的过程恢复隐秘信息。在TCP/IP网络中构建了该隐蔽信道及实验,结果表明:同等条件下,该方法不仅使用的数据包数量最少,而且平均时间开销也减少了22%左右,表现出较好的效果。 For the problem that how to make the network covert storage channel transfer secret message covertly and efficiently ,a novel method of designing network covert storage channel is proposed .This method stores the secret information in the legal fields of packet’s header .The sender firstly does DNA coding for secret message and produces binary stream ,then scrambles this binary stream via Arnold transform ,lastly this scrambled binary stream is embedded into the same field of many packets’ header .The receiver can easily recover the secret message through the reverse process of the sender ’ s doing . This proposed scheme is implemented and tested in real TCP/IP network .The experimental results show that for transferring the same secret message ,the proposed method not only uses the least number of packet ,but also decreases the time cost about 22% ,compared with other existing methods .
作者 高屹
出处 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第6期141-145,共5页 Experimental Technology and Management
基金 西藏自治区自然科学基金重点资助项目(12KJZRZMY01)
关键词 网络隐蔽存储信道 信息安全 DNA编码 ARNOLD变换 network covert storage channel information security DNA code Arnold transform
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