
DHI量表在老年位置性眩晕复位后残余症状评估中的应用 被引量:18

The role of dizziness handicap inventory( DHI) questionnaire in the evaluation of residual symptoms in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo after successful canalith repositioning maneuvers
摘要 目的采用Dizziness Handicap Inventory(DHI)量表评估管石复位术后老年良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)患者的残余症状。方法前瞻性研究134例成功复位的老年BPPV患者。所有患者在复位前和复位后1周进行DHI量表评定。对照组采用年龄性别相匹配的健康人群。对复位前后和复位后与健康人群的DHI评分进行比较。结果病例组复位后DHI评分(15.790±4.517)与复位前(42.490±7.691)相比有明显改善,差异有统计学意义(t=44.832,P=0.000)。病例组复位后DHI评分仍高于健康对照组(12.430±3.912),差异有统计学意义(t=10.624,P=0.000)。病例组DHI各个单项评分复位前和复位后的比较显示除了E15、E18、E21、E22、E23等5项,其他单项明显改善,差异有统计学意义。病例组复位后和对照组的DHI评分比较显示有5个单项E2、E9、E10、E15、E18仍有差异,其他单项比较差异无统计学意义。结论即使复位成功,DHI评分比较仍提示老年BPPV患者复位后功能和躯体症状基本恢复正常,但情感心理方面仍有损害,残余主观症状可能持续存在,需要进一步治疗和随访。 Objective To assess the residual symptoms in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo after CRP using the questionnaire of Dizziness Handicap Inventory( DHI). Methods 134 patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo after successful CRP were included in this controlled and prospective study. Patients were asked to complete the questionnaire before and 1 week after treatment. A control group of 134 normal volunteers was cross-matched according to the age and sex of the patient group. The data were compared for the pre-CRP,post-CRP,and control groups. Results There was a significant improvement in the DHI scores when comparing the pre-CRP( 15. 790 ± 4. 517) and post-CRP groups( 15. 790 ± 4. 517),t = 44. 832,P = 0. 000. The comparison of DHI scores between the control group( 12. 430 ±3. 912) and the post-CRP group still showed a difference( t = 10. 624,P = 0. 000) so that the improvement was incomplete. Pre-CRP and post-CRP DHI scores showed significant differences except for five items: E15,E18,E21,E22,E23;Post-CRP and control group DHI scores showed significant differences in the items of E2,E9,E10,E15,E18.Conclusion Even after successful CRP,residual emotional impairment assessed by DHI scores persisted after CRP.Thus,additional follow-up and management was important for these patients.
出处 《中华全科医学》 2014年第9期1373-1375,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 浙江省医药卫生科学研究基金计划A类资助项目(2009A207) 浙江省绍兴市2009年科技计划项目(2009A33015)
关键词 眩晕 物理医学 半规管 DHI量表 Vertigo Physical medicine Semicircular canals Handicap Inventory
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