
权力感的无意识启动:方法研究 被引量:16

Nonconscious Priming of Feelings of Power: An Study on Methods
摘要 情境性启动法是对权力感进行内隐社会认知研究的重要方法。本研究首先对权力情境性启动的两种启动方法(概念启动和定势启动)进行介绍,接着通过两个实验对两种启动方法在中文背景下的适用性和有效性进行了验证,认为中文材料的概念启动和定势启动是适用和有效的,可以作为国内权力社会认知研究中启动权力的方法。最后对权力概念启动和定势启动的研究范式、方法差异和内在机制进行了讨论。 Contextual priming is an important method in power researching from the perspective of implicit social cognitive. This article first describes the research techniques of two methods( contextual priming and mindset priming)of contextual priming,and then checks the applicability and validity of two methods in Chinese background by two experiments,and come to a conclusion that these two methods are applicable and valid,are possible to applied in power priming study in China. Finally,the paradigm,methods differences and mechanism of power conceptual priming and power mindset priming are discussed.
作者 云祥 李小平
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2014年第3期315-320,共6页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(10YJA840019)
关键词 权力 无意识启动 情境性启动 概念启动 定势启动 内隐社会认知. power nonconscious priming contextual priming conceptual priming mindset priming implicit so-cial cognitive
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