The most important thing in text interpretation is to hit the 'target'(i.e., why did the author write), 'soul'(i.e., what did the author want to write) and 'body'(i.e., what had the author written) of the text. I used this method to interpret Philosophy Notes and Back to Lenin. For the former book, its target is why so many Marxist theorists do not understand the essence of the proposition that dialectics is epistemology; its soul is an idea that dialectics, epistemology and logic are all in one; and its body consists of a series of major issues raised by the above proposition. For the latter book, its target is whether there is the problem of 'non-homogeneity' in Lenin's philosophy; its soul re-represents the historical pre-image of Lenin's philosophy on the premise of non-homogeneity in Lenin's philosophical thought; and its body explores those important issues in the self-criticism of Lenin's philosophical thought.
Philosophical Analysis