The famous Cambridge Capital Controversies in the 1950~80s of 20th century announced the logical contradictions in the mainstream neoclassical economics, which indicates that all the statistical variables showed by monetary values in the current na- tional income accounting system are entirely determined by social relations and special monetary financial systems but nothing on technical analysis based on neoclassical pro-duction function. On this account, we launch a clangorous slogan, that is, declaring war on mainstream economics. Building on restating economic thoughts of three great scholars, Smith, Marx and Keynes, we reestablish a special theoretical system of effec- tive demand and monetary economy to discuss about all kinds of realistic problems that we can meet in nowadays macro economy, and the core is to construct a macro model of monetary economy based on the cost--benefit calculations of enterprises, which indi- cates that the income distribution determined by effective demand come from the charac- ter of market economy or contemporary capitalist economy, that is, production for prof- its and competitions based on money. On that basis, we present a new proposal that Chinese economic practice need another around of repaid economic growth to promote the economic reform of China, that is, raising increase rate of nominal GDP. There- fore, what our economics are concerned about is the social relations of competitions and income distributions expressed by money and monetary statistical issues in the real mo- netary economy, but such explanations of mainstream economics based on technical a- nalysis of physical economy are completely wrong.
China Review of Political Economy
professor Liu Xin
cambridge capital controversies
monetary economy
so-cial relations
Chinese economy