
从“爱丽丝”到“哈利·波特”:现当代英国童话小说创作主潮述略 被引量:5

From “Alice”to “Harry Potter”:A Comprehensive Survey of the Main Trends of Modern British Fairytale Fiction
摘要 从英国童话小说发展史的宏观视野看,现当代英国童话小说经历了兴起和发展的四个历史时期:1)维多利亚时代和爱德华时期(1840-1910);2)两次世界大战前后(1910-1949);3)20世纪50年代和60年代;4)20世纪70年代以来的英国童话小说。本文力图从中国学人的视角对英国童话小说现象进行整体审视,从发生论的视野去梳理其发生和发展的脉络及其时代背景,以呈现英国童话小说主潮发展的宏观图景,并力求在英国儿童文学的文化语境中把握其社会历史背景。 This paper is a comprehensive survey of the main trends of modem British Fairytale Fiction. Viewed in the light of the literary history of British children' s literature, British Fairytale Fiction has gone through four phases of development: 1 )the Golden Age of British Fairytale Fiction:the Victorian and Edwardian times (1840 - 1910 ) ; 2) British Fairytale Fiction between the two World Wars( 1910 - 1949) ;3 )the Second Harvest Season:Into the 50' s and 60's;4)Colourful and Diversified Spree:British Fairytale Fiction since 1970' s. The macroscopic inspection of the main tread of British fairytale fiction has been made in the Chinese perspective as much as possible and its developmental process is surveyed in the social and cultural context of British children' s literature.
作者 舒伟
出处 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2014年第3期84-91,共8页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目"现当代英国童话小说研究"(项目编号:08BWW003)的阶段性成果
关键词 英国 童话小说 创作主潮 综述 UK Fairytale Fiction the main trends comprehensive survey
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