This paper introduces decimated filter banks for the one-dimensional empirical mode decomposition (1D-EMD). These filter banks can provide perfect reconstruction and allow for an arbitrary tree structure. Since the EMD is a data driven decomposition, it is a very useful analysis instrument for non-stationary and non-linear signals. However, the traditional 1D-EMD has the disadvantage of expanding the data. Large data sets can be generated as the amount of data to be stored increases with every decomposition level. The 1D-EMD can be thought as having the structure of a single dyadic filter. However, a methodology to incorporate the decomposition into any arbitrary tree structure has not been reported yet in the literature. This paper shows how to extend the 1D-EMD into any arbitrary tree structure while maintaining the perfect reconstruction property. Furthermore, the technique allows for downsampling the decomposed signals. This paper, thus, presents a method to minimize the data-expansion drawback of the 1D-EMD by using decimation and merging the EMD coefficients. The proposed algorithm is applicable for any arbitrary tree structure including a full binary tree structure.
This paper introduces decimated filter banks for the one-dimensional empirical mode decomposition (1D-EMD). These filter banks can provide perfect reconstruction and allow for an arbitrary tree structure. Since the EMD is a data driven decomposition, it is a very useful analysis instrument for non-stationary and non-linear signals. However, the traditional 1D-EMD has the disadvantage of expanding the data. Large data sets can be generated as the amount of data to be stored increases with every decomposition level. The 1D-EMD can be thought as having the structure of a single dyadic filter. However, a methodology to incorporate the decomposition into any arbitrary tree structure has not been reported yet in the literature. This paper shows how to extend the 1D-EMD into any arbitrary tree structure while maintaining the perfect reconstruction property. Furthermore, the technique allows for downsampling the decomposed signals. This paper, thus, presents a method to minimize the data-expansion drawback of the 1D-EMD by using decimation and merging the EMD coefficients. The proposed algorithm is applicable for any arbitrary tree structure including a full binary tree structure.
supported in part by an internal grant of Eastern Washington University