
结肠癌中miR-106a的表达与临床特征和预后相关性 被引量:3

The correlation of miR-106a expression with clinical characteristics and prognosis of colon cancer
摘要 目的:探讨结肠癌组织中miR-106 a表达与患者临床资料的关系及其作为结肠癌预后标志物的意义。方法回顾性收集105例初诊为结肠癌的患者的临床资料和组织切片,采用qRT-PCR检测癌组织和癌旁组织中miR-106 a的表达水平,分析miR-106 a的表达与临床资料及预后的关系。结果miR-106a在癌组织的表达高于癌旁组织(1.142 vs.0.685)(P<0.001);miR-106a与患者的临床分期和淋巴结转移相关;miR-106 a的表达越高,预后越差;结肠癌患者miR-106 a高表达组较低表达组死亡风险增加3.390(95%CI:1.028~11.178)倍。结论 miR-106a的异常表达与结肠癌密切相关,可能是潜在的临床治疗靶点,并可成为结肠癌潜在的预后因子。 Objective To detect the correlations of miR -106 a expression with clinical features of pa-tients with colon cancer ,and to explore the significance of miR -106 a as a prognostic factor .Methods One hun-dred and five patients with primary colon cancer were retrospectively enrolled in this study including their clinical information and slices of FFPE.miR-106a expression was detected by qRT -PCR,and analyzed the correlation between the level of miR -106a and clinical features and survival .Results The level of miR -106a in tumor tissue was higher than adjacent normal tissue (1.142 vs.0.685,P<0.001).miR-106a was correlated with TNM stage and lymphnode metastasis .The higher miR -106a expression,the poorer survival patients were .The hazard risk was increased 3.390 folds(95%CI for HR:1.028 ~11.178)when compared high expression group with the low.Conclusion The aberrant expression of miR -106a may be associated with colon cancer .It will po-tentially be a therapeutic target and prognostic factors .
出处 《实用肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2014年第3期245-249,共5页 Practical Oncology Journal
关键词 结肠癌 miR-106a 预后 临床特征 Colon cancer miR - 106a Prognosis Clinical characteristics
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