
长江中游城市群城际竞合空间格局分析——基于城市竞争力与空间相互作用的视角 被引量:24

Spatial Patterns and Development Strategy of Competition-Integration between Cities in Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
摘要 基于城市竞争力与空间相互作用的研究视阈,借助SPSS主成分分析法和ArcGIS空间插值手段,构建长江中游城市群城际竞争―整合分析的基本框架,揭示城市群内城际竞合空间格局特征和作用机制。结果显示:1)长江中游城市群城际竞争格局总体呈"核心―边缘"结构特征,3个子城市群内部竞争格局分异显著;多竞争要素的交互耦合、中心城市的极化效应、行政和地理分割、交通等是城际竞争格局形成的主要动力机制。2)城际整合格局整体表现出"群(圈)内>群(圈)际"的空间分布态势,沿主要交通轴线形成"吸管效应",城际竞争与整合格局呈现"整体吻合、局部偏离"特征;城际整合格局是距离衰减规律和增长极辐射效应等因素主导形成的产物。3)在城际竞合分析的基础上,从规划融合、交通一体化、产业分工等多方面提出了竞合发展政策建议。 Themaximization ofoverallfunctionality of urbanagglomeration largelydepends onharmonious competition-integration relations between cities. In the view ofevolution law ofurban agglomerations,theUrban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River (UAMRYR)is at an early stage of development,there is little academic research about competition andintegration between cities init.Based on perspective of city competitiveness and spatial interaction, this paper introducesthe principal component analysis andspatial interpolation technique, and thenbuilds a fundamental framework of competition-integration patterns between cities inUAMRYR to reveal thepresenturban competition-integration situation andmechanism of action. The conclusions are as follows:1)The competition pattern of UAMRYR shows radial characteristics with core-periphery schema onthe whole,and thecompetitiveness centrality ofWuhan, Changsha, Nanchang are obvious. Thedifferentiation of competition pattern in three sub-urbanagglomerations are significant. InWuhan MetropolitanArea, there exists awide gapof competitiveness between Wuhan andother cities. The competition pattern inHunan's“3+5”UrbanAgglomerationshowsa feature ofconcentrating on core city andextending along theaxis. The distribution of citiescompetitivenessin UrbanAgglomerationSurrounding Poyang Lakeis characterizedbyaggregating alongthe Yangtze River andPoyang Lake.2)The integration pattern between cities mainly shows thatlinkagewithin urban agglomerationisat a level higher than thatamongurban agglomerations, thedirectivities ofcenter cityandgeographical adjacency arenotable, a“suctionstraw effect” isgenerated along the major roads, and thesetraffic axesevolve intothe main directions ofintegration pattern finally.The competition-integration patterns between citiespresent a featureof “overall correspondence andpart deviation”. 3) Actually the competition patternis activated by multiple factors. Among them,the coupling of components, the effect of polarization,administrativeand naturaldivision andtransportation are the critical factors. Thedistance attenuation rule andradiation effect of growth pole dominate the integration pattern between cities.These factors promote the competition-integration patterns between cities tomove towardsdifferentiation, and thepatterns are variousspatial structure formsderived from these kinds of mechanism. 4)With the comprehensive analysis of inter-citycompetition-integration pattern, this paperputs forward policy suggestions about competition-integration in many aspects, such as cooperation on planning,transportation integration,and industrial division and so on.
作者 王涛 曾菊新
出处 《热带地理》 北大核心 2014年第3期390-398,共9页 Tropical Geography
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(05JJDZH232) 教育部人文社科青年项目(13YJCZH284)
关键词 竞争 整合 空间格局 长江中游城市群 competition integration spatialpattern Urban Agglomeration in theMiddle Reaches of the Yangtze River
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