
四川省农村劳动力转移演变的时空特征及内在机制 被引量:7

Temporal-Spatial Characteristics and Internal Mechanism of Evolution of Rural Labors Transfer in Sichuan Province
摘要 农村剩余劳动力转移是中国现代化建设的必由之路,西部地区受特殊区情的影响,成为中国农村劳动力转移中的难点和关键。以西部农村劳动力转移流动大省四川省为研究对象,采用实地问卷调查和统计分析方法,从时间和空间维度揭示了自20世纪90年代以来四川农村劳动力转移演变的基本态势,发现转移农村劳动力的规模比重、属性特征、从业状况和带眷转移、回乡创业等情况随时代的发展产生了明显变化,在空间上逐渐呈现向本省及西部地区回流的趋势,且不同经济发展水平地区之间农村劳动力转移及演变特点存在较大差异。在内在机制上,认为劳动力转移的收入和成本预期、国内外宏观经济形势、区域经济发展格局、国家相关政策体制以及转移劳动力自身特征等因素的变化驱动着四川等西部地区农村劳动力转移的发展演变。 It is a result of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization that rural surplus labors transfer to non-agriculture sectors and towns, and it is also the only way for a country or a region to realize modernization construction. Further, rural labors transfer is a difficult and key task for the western regions of China because of the numerous rural populations, backward economic and social development. In this article, Sichuan Province was taken as a case, on the basis of field investigation adopting a questionnaire, the main trends of evolution of rural labors transfer in the province was analyzed from time and space dimensions since 1990s. The results showed that the scale of transferring rural labors increased year by year, and the attribute features including their sex, age and educational level obviously changed. The proportion of employment in tertiary industry gradually rose, and the number of the transferring rural labors who carried their household, or those who returned to hometown to do pioneering business, continuously increased. On the other hand, it appeared a trend that the transferring rural labors returned to Sichuan and other western regions in space, and the difference of characteristics of rural labors transfer and its evolution among different economic level regions were obvious. Furthermore, the internal evolving mechanism of rural labors transfer in this area was also discussed in this paper. The results showed that the evolution of rural labors transfer in Sichuan and other western regions was influenced by changes of various factors. In particular, the changes of transfer income and cost expectation were internal motive of evolution of rural labors transfer, the changes of macro-economy situation at home and abroad were external conditions of evolution, the changes of development pattern of regional economy became macro-background of evolution, the changes of policies and systems related to rural labors transfer formed institutional environment of evolution, and the changes of their own characteristics of the transferring rural labors were important promotion factors of evolution of rural labors transfer.
出处 《热带地理》 北大核心 2014年第3期399-407,共9页 Tropical Geography
基金 四川省教育厅重点资助项目(13SA0008)
关键词 农村劳动力转移 时空特征 内在机制 四川省 rural labors transfer temporal-spatial characteristics internal mechanism Sichuan Province
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