在我国海洋渔业产业结构中 ,第一产业的产值约占总产值的54% ,第二产业为32 % ,第三产业仅占14 % ,表明我国海洋渔业存在产业结构层次较低的现象。同时 ,在各产业内部 ,又存在产业严重趋同和经济效益低下的低水平经营现象。本文试图从解剖我国海洋渔业产业结构存在的问题着手 ,分析形成这些问题的原因 ,探讨调整沿岸海洋渔业产业结构的可能途径。
Of the marine fisheries gross products calculated on market price, the products of primary industry comprises about 54%, and those of the secondary and tertiary industry comprises 32% and 14%. The results show the level of the industrial structure of marine fisheries in China is very low. By further study, it's also found that (1) the industrial structures of primary industry is very similar; (2)the econmic efficiency of production is not high. In the paper, the causes leading to the contradictions were analyzed and the adjustment measures to deal with these contradictions were also discussed.
Chinese Fisheries Economics