
相控阵天气雷达探测晴空回波能力分析 被引量:3

Detection on clear air echoes with phased array weather radar
摘要 为了研究相控阵天气雷达探测晴空回波能力,在现有多普勒天气雷达探测晴空回波的基础上,统计晴空回波出现的距离范围、强度、高度等特征,建立起晴空回波一般性模型。相控阵天气雷达采用相扫体制,其扫描速度快;同时,采用了脉冲压缩技术,保证了雷达探测能力的对比和距离分辨率。通过对比采用脉冲技术和没有采用脉冲技术的相控阵天气雷达探测能力,发现采用脉冲压缩技术后能有效地提高弱信号检测能力。在多普勒天气雷达的探测晴空回波能力模拟分析的基础上,通过与采用脉冲压缩技术的相控阵天气雷达进行对比,得出相控阵天气雷达有能力探测到50km范围内的晴空回波。 In order to study the detection of clear air echoes with phased array weather radar,based on the the clear air echoes detected by current Doppler weather radar,this paper makes a statistics on clear air echoes'distance range,intensity and height etc,and establishes a general model of clear air echoes.Phased array weather radar has a high scan speed with a phase scanning strategy,which ensures the radar detection ability and range resolution by using pulse compression technique. Compared with the detectability of phased array weather radar that has no pulse compression technique,the results show that the pulse compression technique can effectively improve the ability of weak signal detection.On the basis of simulation analysis on the detection of clear air echoes by Doppler weather radar,compared with phased array weather radar using pulse compression technique, a conclusion is drawn out that the phased array weather radar can detect clear air echoes in the range of 50 km distance.
出处 《气象水文海洋仪器》 2014年第2期19-23,共5页 Meteorological,Hydrological and Marine Instruments
关键词 相控阵天气雷达 晴空回波 脉冲压缩 气象雷达方程 phased array weather radar clear air echoes pulse compression meteorological radar equation
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