

The Research of Remote Computing Service Model in Science Gateway
摘要 科学网关是支持交互的基于Web的科学、教育和协作的工具。在科学网关中用户如何能够方便地使用分布在世界各地的高性能计算资源是分布式计算领域的重要问题。据此提出了一种远程计算服务机制,并将该机制应用于一个基于OGSA的科学网关系统中。通过MATLAB软件,证明了该系统可以使用户建立、发起和处理图形计算仿真。为科学网关中的远程计算提供了新的设计思想和实现方法。 Science Gateway is a Web based tool for scientific, educational and collaborative support interac tion. In science gateway, it is an important issues how users can easily use the high performance computing resources distributed around the world. We propose a mechanism for remote computing services, which is used in a scientific gateway system based in OGSA. Through the deployment of MATI.AB soft ware, it proves that the system allows users to build, initiate and handle graphics computing simulation. The issues provides a new design idea and implementation methods for Remote computing in science gate way.
出处 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第2期34-38,共5页 Journal of Qingdao University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 远程计算 服务组件 科学网关 网格 MATLAB remote computing service component science gateway grid MATLAB
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