
基于Netlogo的计算机网络病毒传播模型SIRH及仿真 被引量:2

Research and Simulation on the Computer Network Virus Propagation Model SIRH Based on Netlogo
摘要 基于实际网络的复杂性、重复感染和动态人为因素对病毒传播的影响,研究了BA无标度网络拓扑结构中SIRH模型,用仿真软件Netlogo动态地描绘了计算机网络病毒的传播过程。仿真结果表明,考虑重复感染和动态人为因素,有效地减弱了网络病毒的传播强度,大大缩减了病毒的生命周期,从而减低了病毒对整个网络的危害性。 Considering the complexity of the network, reinfection and temp removed users ,this paper stud ies the model of computer virus propagation SIRH in the BA scale-free network with virus defense and vi rus immunization measures. This paper studies vividly the propagation process of computer network virus with Netlogo. The results show that the intensity and the life circle of the network virus had been reduced reinfection and the reasonable dynamic human factors. In a word, the harm of the virus to the entire ork had been reduced.
出处 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第2期39-44,共6页 Journal of Qingdao University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 计算机网络病毒传播模型 复杂网络 动态人为因素 NETLOGO the computer network virus propagation model complex network dynamic human factors Netlogo
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