基于森林资源资产评估相关理论,利用ASP.NET 4.0,结合Oracle 11g数据库和富客户端程序设计技术,实现B/S结构的森林资源资产评估信息系统,并针对当前森林资源资产评估信息系统存在的一些问题,提出了生成算例、自定义林产品税费和及时更新林价信息的改进方法。
Based on theories of forest resources assets evaluation, using ASP. NET 4, combined with Oracle 11 g database and rich client program design technology, forest resources assets evaluation system with B/S structures was carried out. In view of co-status of forest resources assets evaluation system, improved methods for generating calculate methods, customizing prices and taxes, updating forest price in- formation on time and so on have been proposed in this paper.
Forest Inventory and Planning